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Beyond Āsana with Zoë Martin

  • Yoga Leicester LE2 1WP UK (map)

By steady focus on the tortoise nādi at the pit of the throat, calmness of body and mind is acquired.

Yoga Sūtra of Patañjali Chapter 3.31

An exploration of viśuddhacakra or the energy centre of the throat. The delicate throat is constantly active; when we speak or sing, when we breathe, when we eat. Sensitive meditations on the throat through body, breath and sound work, reminds us of the importance of quietness and silence. Through silence creative expression and communication can arise.

This 2hr workshop will blend theory and practice, and is aimed to be experiencial rather than prescriptive. The workshop will include posture & breath work, guided meditations, simple sound work and space to rest and absorb the practices.

This workshop is open to all.

Venue: Quaker Meeting House, 16 Queens Road. LE2 1WP

21 December

Winter Workshop

28 March

Beyond Āsana - philosophy and practice