Be soft in your practice … Follow the stream, have faith in its course … Just follow it. Never let it out of your sight. It will take you.


beyond āsana - practical approaches to the core of yoga

  • Are you looking to inspire your personal practice?

  • Perhaps you’re a seasoned yoga teacher looking to inspire your practice and teaching?

  • Maybe you’re a new teacher looking to become part of a supportive community?

  • Maybe you’re a trainee teacher looking for mentorship?

  • Maybe you simply want to delve into the philosophy behind what you’re practicing?

These 2 hour workshops are designed to support you in your own personal practice or teaching through the exploration of different aspects of yoga practice and theory. They are a way for you to develop your knowledge, skills and confidence as part of a supportive sangha- a  community of friends practicing the dharma together in order to bring about and to maintain awareness. 

The workshops are held at the Quaker Meeting House, Queens Road, Leicester, on the last Friday of every month from 6pm - 8pm. The fee per workshop is £24 per person. All study material and light refreshments will be provided.

Workshops will explore:

  • key teachings from the Yoga Sūtra of Patañjali  

  • concepts from other key texts like the Sāṃkhya Kārikā, Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā, Bhagavad Gītā and Upaniṣad. 

  • āsana, prāṇāyama, dhyāna, mantra and mudrā

There will be space to ask questions and share ideas. I will meet you with awareness, understanding and acceptance. 

Next workshops:

  • Friday 27th September | 6pm - 8pm | £26

  • Friday 25th October | 6pm - 8pm | £26

  • Friday 29th November| 6pm - 8pm | £26

Zoë’s passion for yoga practice and teaching yoga, spans over 25 years. Over those two decades she has accumulated a lot of knowledge about yoga and its rich philosophy which often goes unshared in a general yoga class.

Zoë has immersed herself in the practice and teaching of yoga for over 25 years. She has trained extensively as a yoga teacher and yoga therapist. She works on a one to one basis with clients seeking therapeutic support, she runs group classes, workshops and retreats.

Zoë mentors teachers and trainee teachers on a regular basis.